
Meditation - Attribution:

Meditation – Attribution:

I was reading this report today on transparency about a father that brought a  case of Parental Alienation against his wife with respect to his two boys. The analysis of the case by the superbly independent Transparency Group showed that he was probably to blame for his actions, and ultimately the fact that he did not allow himself to reconsider the ramifications of his actions, or show any empathy for the circumstances which effectively caused the situation that now existed.

I read this report three times, and as always I drifted off in contemplation. All sorts of questions came to mind: Did I cause my own situation?  I am to blame? Am I possessed with blaming my ex-wife and her new husband for something that is ultimately down to me?

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Pain is the Point of Parental Alienation

A very emotive post from a father that has lost his children to PA. Describing how it is possible for one person to do this out of pure spite, and with the intention of destroying the other parent – causing pain.

It hurt to read this, and if you have no idea of what abused parents have gone through please read this – it is a real eye-opener.




via No More Secrets And Lies: Pain is the Point of Parental Alienation

Ireland: ‘Dads aren’t recognised in our Constitution and the Citizen’s Assembly denied them a voice’

Article in todays Journal (Ireland) from Matt O’connor (father 4 Justice).

Insightful article from Matt, with details on why this fathers day is not a fathers day for quite a few fathers in Ireland.

Also interesting is the position of the catholic church.

The Church has consistently refused to support the rights of separated fathers to see their children and while Pope Francis has eulogised about the role of mothers, he has repeatedly made discriminatory comments about dads.

In his 2016 papal pronouncement Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), Pope Francis went as far to describe fathers as “absent, missing…too controlling…they neglect families…fail to offer sure and solid guidance to their children.”

In fact, not a single priest has raised his voice to express concern for the plight of fatherless children and their dads.

via ‘Dads aren’t recognised in our Constitution and the Citizen’s Assembly denied them a voice’

Baker: Parental Alienation Is Emotional Abuse of Children

Here is an article I found recently from an acknowledged expert in PA. We can all google “parental alienation” and get the same results. But this is really worth reading, for it spells out in a scientific journal the truth we all know, but hardly anyone believes:

Parental Alienation is Child Abuse.

via Parental Alienation Is Emotional Abuse of Children | Psychology Today

Vatertag: Entfremdete Väter haben wenig Grund zu Feiern (Fathers Day: Alienated Fathers have little to celebrate)

A report from the leading Austrian Website for fathers rights. I did not know this before but PA is not acknowledged by the courts there!  Even though clinical experts accept that it does exist.

Austria has a long way to go!

As an aside there is also a confirmation of what I have been looking for a long time – The situation in France: wo gezielte Kontaktverhinderung ein Strafdelikt ist – Where targeted prevention of contact is a criminal offence.

via Vatertag: Entfremdete Väter haben wenig Grund zum Feiern | Familie & Familienrecht

One of my favorite films

The-Day-the-Earth-Caught-Fire-17448_1I have just finished watching one of my favourite films. “The Day the Earth Caught Fire” about when the effects of two nuclear weapons tests result in the Earth being pushed slowly towards the sun.

In the film there is a not insignificant scene where one of the reporters of the Daily Express meets up with his ex-wife and his child. The impression given is that the mother, in this case, is ‘allowing’ him to see his child. A similar situation to some custody situations now.

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If you tell a lie often enough …

A lie told often enough becomes the truth

Lenin, Marxist revolutionary (1870-1924)

A very interesting quote is it not?  And what has it got to do with parental alienation?

Well – everything really.

Parental alienation works by giving the children the impression that the absent parent is ‘bad’, and to that end any tricks and/or lies are acceptable.

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